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Buddha Wisdom

Top Feng Shui Tips for buying House

Top Feng Shui Tips for buying House

Buying a good feng shui house is really an enthralling experience. Even though it can easily overwhelm and intimidate you. You look for a good house- nice looking and big enough for your family. You pick the right location with all kinds of amenities. You avoid overpriced houses, look for bargains, and deal with paper works.

But if all this leads to a feng shui disaster what's the point in all your research?

You will be living in the house hoping for a lifetime. So you would want a good feng shui house that helps you pile up wealth and brings you health, happiness, and vitality.

1. Check house facing direction

You will need a good feng shui compass. Not just any other compass. In a normal compass, you will find 4 primary directions that is north, south, east, west and 4 secondary directions Northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest. So that's a total of 8 directions. 

A feng shui compass will not only have 8 directions but each of the directions is subdivided into 3 sub directions. So you have a total of 24 directions in this kind of compass. So you will know exactly if you are facing north then is it north 1, north 2 or north 3. Each direction is divided into 3 sub direction.

The natural environment is very powerful. So even if your interiors suffer from feng shui mistakes, you don't need to worry if your home enjoys excellent feng shui landscaping and physical surroundings. But if the landscape is suffering from bad feng shui then even the most powerful feng shui items inside the home will be weak.

Is your house too near to railroads?

keep your eyes out for cemeteries. Places of Worship, Hospitals, and prisons. Are they too near to your house? Don't think they will bless you, They won't.

Do not live sandwiched between two buildings that dwarf your home. The buildings block any benevolent chi from flowing into your home.

Do not live too near to road flyovers which seem to cut into your home or the building that houses your apartment. The chi turns lethal. Its not a good feng shui house

Do not live in a dead-end. Here chi stagnates, and when you have problems, there will be no way out. Its not a good feng shui house.

Poison Arrows Towards Your Main Door.

1. Anything tall right infront of your main door is bad news.

This could take form of a single tree, The view in front of the house, especially directly ahead of the main door should not be blocked by any structure or hill for at least twice the length of the home. If your home faces such a building, try to change its orientation

such that the building is behind you. A neighbor’s massive wall, if it is higher than the ground level of your home (and worse if it is higher than that), you have a problem.

If the road infront of the house is higher than the ground level of your house then its a problem.

2. A straight road facing your entrance is bad news.

Are you living at a t junction or y junction? Or may be its the cutting edge of a curved road. Watch out for any straight road facing your main door. If the road is curved then the energy slows down and becomes loving towards the home.

3.. Any shap object facing your main door is a poison arrow

Look out for the neighbor’s triangular roof line, the garbage across the road, single trees, lamp-posts, telephone-poles, street-signs pointing towards your door. These poison arrows are less severe. Block them off from view. Anything not facing your main door cannot harm you.

Watch out the floor plan

Are the kitchens and toilets visible from the entrance? Do you have toilets and kitchens in the two most important areas (Northwest or Southwest)? The worst house is where you have a kitchen in the northwest. All the heaven energy pours into the home from the northwest. 

Next check if you have toilets above the front door, living, dining room, bedroom, or kitchens? Do you have a kitchen below a bedroom, living, dining room?

Click here if you are building your home and designing the floor plan.

Check the main door feng shui .

Does your main door open into a cramped area? Or a small foyer? Is there a staircase facing the main door? Is the door too big or too small?

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