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Buddha Wisdom

Magpie--Feng Shui Bird Symbols to Renew and Inspire

Magpie--Feng Shui Bird Symbols to Renew and Inspire

Magpie. In feng shui, the magpie is associated with joy, celebration, and happiness. It also symbolizes the tendency for nesting, so the image of a magpie is a traditional feng shui cure recommended for those who want to settle down and "nest." 

Magpies are beautiful birds even before they spread their wings and are related to the crow family of birds.

Studies have also shown that certain species of magpies are some of the most intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom.

It is of no surprise that such a magically looking bird has significant symbolism in feng shui.

Legend of the magpie

The Manchu people who have a strong presence in Chinese history treat the magpie as a sacred bird that is able to help overcome obstacles in life.

So much so that it was used as a totem to represent certain influential clans.

The Manchu also played a vital role in assisting the Qing empire to conquer China by defeating the Ming rulers.

The magpie featured prominently in victory banners and emblems.

In a famous mythical classic story, a farmer by the name of Chien Niu fell in love with a fairy named Chih Nu when she was doing her round of good deeds on earth. But the heavenly jade emperor refused to approve of their relationship and prohibited them to meet by recalling the fairy back to heaven. However, their love was so deep that the emperor finally relented. Magpies then filled the sky to form a stairway to heaven for Chien Niu to meet his loved one.

As they are permitted to meet once a year on the 7th day of the 7th month, folklore insist that on this calendar day no magpies will be seen as they are busy building the bridge for the couple in love to meet.

There is also a common saying that “when the magpie sings, good news of wealth is coming or a relative would be visiting”.

Centuries ago when China was primarily an agricultural industry, farmers welcomed the presence of magpies on their land. The mere sight of them made them happy. This is because this species of bird hunted and fed on common insect pest that damage their crops before harvest.

There’s also a story set during the Tang dynasty of a man named Li JingYi who cared for a magpie which seek refuge in his home. He was later accused by someone of a crime and sent to jail. A magpie which resembled his pet then appeared outside the jail cell to sing to him. Shortly after, he was released without charges. The guards who released him described the messenger as someone wearing clothing with colors that resembled the magpie.

There’s a belief that if a magpie nest is burned on the 5th day of the 5th month, it’s eggs can be consumed for healing powers for the sick and injured.


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