Buddha Wisdom

Feng Shui for Business Tips
Here are some business feng shui tips to help you.
Do not choose a shop or office layout that is long and deep. A ratio of 1:3 breadth vs length is not advisable. These are common sights in prewar shophouses like Duxton, cantonment, Neil road, Joo chat areas. Most are converted into SOHO or retail outlets.
In feng shui, the main door is “yang 阳” active energy and the back is “yin 阴” passive energy. Due to the longish layout, it is difficult for yang energy to reach the end of the office. The energy is “choke” in the middle. It causes disharmony and invites office politics. It increases staff turnover and harder to get sales.
Bottleneck effect causes health problems
The bottleneck causes health issues concerning the throat, lungs and respiratory. And usually, the problem is compounded by the main door facing a leading staircase downwards. The problem is difficult to solve completely because of the narrow staircase.
Shallow and Wide layout is just as bad
Feng shui is all about balance. The reverse layout where the office or shop is shallow and wide like the illustration is also bad business feng shui.
This causes the “yang” energy to enter rapidly but unable to linger inside the office or retail shop. In the feng shui perspective the Company will find difficulty to retain profits. So you will have the situation of money come and go in a flash.
Moreover, this layout is not ideal for customers’ retention or loyalty.
Importance of the Main door in Business Feng Shui
The location of the Main Door is of paramount importance in business Fengshui. Before you purchase or rent the office, ensure that your main door is located at the Wealth or Reputation sector. Further information can be found on this website under feng shui destiny.
Another worthwhile pointer is to make sure that your main door does not face a “constricted” space example narrow passageway or wall or downward slope or stairway leading downwards. This causes the “yin” energy to evaporate rapidly resulting in poor sales and profits.
Best scenario shop facing road junctions
It is good feng shui that the main door faces an unobstructed space. Even better if it faces a road junction or bad landforms but this you will need assistance from your regular feng shui master. Unlike home feng shui; business feng shui thrives on meeting challenges with the environment.
Infrastructure leading to your office
Observe the road structure leading to your retail shop, are you located at the “tail end” of the road? This is similar to home units at the cul-de-sac end of the road
Identify yin or yang energy infrastructure
If your business is a fast-moving consumer product or service then it should be located along “阳 Yang energy” i.e. major/main road not tucked away in back-lanes. One good example of a strong yang presence is Singapore orchard road.
On the other hand, minor roads/back-lanes are “阴 Yin energy” suited for niche markets or specialized services. Suitable businesses are pet shops, organic food, pedicure/manicure brothel, etc For specialized or niche products, customers will purposely look for you thus the yin energy.
Some feng shui masters are so myopia over trivial like counting of light bulbs or color scheme, tilted doors and easily overlook the bigger picture – road infrastructure. The feng shui “location” is wrong to begin with. This is particularly important to retailers. The location of your business sometimes even precede over the importance of “Business Destiny 宅命”.
Timing of “Earth” energy 三元九运 and not Birth Profile lucky elements
Some of my clients were recommended to choose an office space or shop space based on Bazi / Birth profile lucky elements which are wrong too. Take for instance your birth profile requires metal and Metal is West or North-West which is the Tuas area. So if your business is a fast-moving consumer product do you want to have a shop in the industrial side of Singapore? To make matter worse West belongs to Period 7 where the “Earth energy地运” ended in 2004 Feb.
For wealth opportunities, you can consider buying offices or shops that overlook the water in Southwest, Southeast and North direction. Water refers to a swimming pool, artificial lakes, rivers and so forth. Water towards SW direction is good from 2004 to 2024 and N or SE from 2024 to 2044.