Buddha Wisdom

Feng Shui Business Colors
Feng shui is the practice of shaping your environment to create and maintain positive, flowing energy. Feng shui practices use color, symbols and the five elements used in Chinese medicine to create balance and harmony. In business, feng shui principles can be used to shape and promote the energy of the business and send a positive brand message. One of the simplest ways to do this is with color. Signature feng shui colors for interior and exterior décor -- or company logo -- can support and enhance your business mission.
Introduction to the Elements
In feng shui, color relates to five primary elements. These include wood, earth, metal, fire and water. Red, for example, connotes creativity and action, while the calming green seen in medical offices brings relaxation. The elements have “creative” and “destructive” cycles. In the creative cycle, water feeds wood, wood feeds fire, fire creates earth, earth creates metal, and metal holds water. In the destructive cycle, water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal cuts wood, wood pierces earth, and earth dams water. The goal of feng shui is to bring balance and harmony between the elements.
Balancing Yin and Yang
Color also relates to the feng shui principle of yin and yang -- opposing characteristics in the world that balance each other out and exist in harmony. Yin qualities are feminine, passive and nurturing, and are associated with cool and dark colors like blue, green, gray and black. Yang qualities are masculine, aggressive and bright, and are associated with warm and vibrant colors like red, yellow, orange, brown and gold. Yin colors are associated with the elements of water, metal and earth, while yang colors are associated with fire and wood.
Elements of Business
Each feng shui element is associated with certain industries and types of business, which can be helpful in choosing feng shui colors for your business. Restaurants, sports, retail and creative industries are associated with fire. Water is associated with spas and healing centers, cleaning services, employment agencies and the beauty industry. Agriculture, real estate, construction and environmental businesses are associated with the earth element, while architecture, technology, government and the financial industry are all associated with metal. Wood represents the publishing and travel agencies, as well as schools, daycares, and florists.
Feng Shui Your Brand
Feng shui colors can be used in every physical or online aspect of your business. Using feng shui colors in your logo and branding elements can express your business’s energy to potential customers. Red, for example, connotes energy and creativity. It also stimulates appetite, which is why it’s so often used in restaurant logos and decor. Blue connotes trustworthiness and reliability, while green is calming and promotes relaxation. The colors you use, both in your branding and office decor, should promote the primary energy of your business and either enhance or balance the main feng shui quality you wish to promote.