Buddha Wisdom

6 Best Feng Shui Tips for Wealth and Money
Feng Shui is literally the art and concept of placing furniture and elements of your house with regard to their surroundings. The way you place and arrange these elements will overall bring good and bad vibes, and thus, positive and negative opportunities. Feng Shui’s roots date back to over 6,000 years in China and is a complex art and science of balancing and harmonizing energies in different spaces through architectural placement.
1, Focus on the Entrance
The entrance to your home is your first impression. It tells a story and paints a picture of experiences one is about to go through the minute they walk through those doors. Add potted plants and doormats to make this spot elegant. You don’t want to overcrowd with elements, but keep it simple and inviting. Your entrance should welcome positive souls and ward away negative energy.
3. Get the Repairs Done
If you have leaky faucets or a toilet that has simply gone out of style due to damage, it’s time to repair them. Repairing these will not only save you time and costs down the line but also keep you happy. As they say, there’s nothing that relaxes a person more than good hygiene.
4. Rake Your Yard and Water Your Plants
If you’re thinking of making a garden or you already have one that’s dying, it’s time to do something about it. Your environment will love you back if you take care of it – remember that. Start by adding some flowers, watering the plants, and changing the soil – if that’s not already done. Use a wind chime for trees that are lying right in front of your door and trim those shrubs into picture-perfect landscaping elements. Also, make sure the pathways that lead to your entrance are clean and clear of debris. Get rid of the dirt and dust and allow the fresh air from nature to flow in by unclogging your environment.
5. Add an Aquarium to Your Home
One of the best feng shui money tips is to add an aquarium to the north or southeast side of your home. The north side attracts career opportunities, while the southeast sector brings financial abundance. The number of fish you have in the tank should be 8 redfish and 1 blackfish since that’s considered a lucky number for attracting positive Chi. The southeast sector is your Feng Shui wealth corner in the living room.
6. Place a Mirror in Front of the Dining Space
The dining space or table is where your family receives nourishment and bonds together. Placing a mirror in front of the table where everybody can see each other and talk attracts positive chi. When placing the mirror, make sure there are no doors opposite to the mirror since that drains out good luck and brings misfortune instead.