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Buddha Wisdom

How  Use the  Feng Shui for Fortune and Good Luck

How Use the Feng Shui for Fortune and Good Luck

1. Your Money Area

In feng shui, the area connected to your money, or financial prosperity and abundance, is the Southeast area of your home or office. This is the classical, or traditional feng shui school way to define your money area. In the Western, or BTB, feng shui school, the money area is the upper left area of your space as viewed from your home's floor plan.

2.Feng Shui Wealth Vase

The feng shui wealth vase is one of the oldest feng shui abundance cures. The history of the wealth vase is complex; its making and symbols have numerous deep meanings. In feng shui applications, the wealth vase is used as an abundance cure to help you attract and strengthen the flow of wealth and porsperity.

3.Chinese Coins

The most common use of Chinese coins in feng shui is for money. The other popular use of coins in feng shui is for protection and good luck cures. These energies certainly go together. When a person achieves financial stability, she or he also feels more protected and, of course, lucky. 

4.Lucky Bamboo

The lucky bamboo is one of the most popular feng shui cures. If you are lucky enough to have bamboo growing in your garden, you know how soothing—almost transcendental—the sound of bamboo is. To use the lucky bamboo as a feng shui cure, buy it with a specific number of bamboo stalks.  

5.Citrine Crystals

Citrine is the most popular feng shui crystal to attract money and wealth. There are many traditional feng shui cures with citrine (or a crystal made to look like citrine)—from red tassels with small citrine wealth vase symbols to citrine pi xiu (pi yao), crystal trees, wu lou (gourds), ingots, and various animal carvings.

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