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Buddha Wisdom

Feng Shui tips for using colors(2)

Feng Shui tips for using colors(2)

As for mixing colors, that can also mix the Feng shui energies related to them. Here are some things to consider when choosing combination colors:

  • Salmon, a combination of yellow/orange and red/orange, is a unique balance of earth and fire elements that's quite harmonious. Use salmon to call attention to the heart of a space, create a sense of abundance and encourage conversation.

  • Turquoise, a blue-green combo, evokes the qualities of wood and water. It has both the contemplative qualities of blue and the life of green, making it a great choice for spaces that allow movement and growth.

  • Lavender, a mix of the qualities of blue and purple, can evoke a sense of calm, spirituality, contemplation and quiet. Use lavender to minimize high activity, calm a stressful situation or create a special spiritual space.

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